Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Hello, 2024!

Happy New Year!  I hope all of my fans had an amazing holiday season!  We had lots of family time, lots of great food, lots of love around here!  I'm really excited about what's to come in 2024!

Every year, I try to choose a word to incorporate into my life, both personal and business.  

This year, I've chosen the word GROWTH.  

There are so many areas in my life that I want to grow in 2024, starting with my Christian faith.  I realized recently that I have never read the bible in full, so yesterday, I started a bible reading plan with a group of wonderful ladies that I'm doing life with.  We are all committed to keeping each other accountable daily and being a source of encouragement for each other.  

Another area I want to see some personal growth is with my health.  I have always struggled with sticking to healthy eating and exercise and I hope to grow in how I take care of myself this year.  A couple months ago, I started a Zumba class and last night was our first class of the year.  I didn't really WANT to go, but I got out there and kicked off the year with some dancing!  I've been upping my water intake by using tumblers that I have made with some of my favorite fabrics (somehow that makes it easier for me, if I like to look at what I'm drinking out of), but I do have an issue when it comes to sugar and boredom eating.  Working from home, I have a lot of opportunity to snack all day long.  I'm committing to filling my house with healthy snacks for my days at home.

Third, I want to see Grunge+Grace grow this year!  I have been venturing into making more purses and wallets, and I want to keep adding to the inventory.  I have started incorporating embroidery into my purses and wallets and look forward to seeing what I can create with the embroidery machine!  I also want to start quilting more and possibly offer some baby quilt sets in 2024.  We'll see what the year brings!  

Stay creative, my friends!


2024 Recap

Well, 2024 has come to an end and 2025 is here, whether we're ready or not!  Grunge+Grace has grown a lot through 2024 and I am so excit...