Saturday, March 16, 2024

Dallas Quilt Show! Rock On!


This weekend is the Dallas Quilt Show and I checked it out with my mom and our friend, Dennis.  The quilts on display were simply amazing!  I didn't take nearly enough pictures, but I did capture some of my favorite quilts that were on display. I also picked up some new fabrics to make more tumblers!  I'll be a vendor at a couple quilt shows this fall and I'm already starting to build up my inventory!  

I decided that I would like to enter a quilt in a show soon, and I have the perfect quilt in mind!  It's one I'm starting to work on for my wonderful hubby, a personal request of his based on his favorite arcade game.  Also, one of my new business goals is to have a vendor booth at the Dallas Quilt Show.  It won't happen next year (I'll be on a quilting cruise next March) but I would love to be there in 2026!  

Stay creative, y'all!


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Well, I've been MIA on the blog for a while, but for good reason.  Things have been busy around here!   First, I went on my first cruise...